Information about +250788975180

Trace Owner details of +250788975180


+250788975180 is business number, listed for LIZHIBABA SHOP. LIZHIBABA SHOP is a Coffee shop in Rwanda. The contact address of +250788975180 is KG 24 Ave, Kigali, Rwanda. LIZHIBABA SHOP business has a rating of 1 out of 5.

Business Address KG 24 Ave, Kigali, Rwanda
Business Rating 1
Business Category Coffee shop

Browse Other Numbers:

Cell Number Business Name
250788307532 Rwanda Foam, Nyabugogo Branch
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250787446012 Twyford Rwanda Gisozi Branch
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250786534143 UZURI K&Y experience store (Nyarugenge)
Cell Number Business Name
250783195501 Batsinda Luckirice
250784979915 UBWIZA HARDWARE
250788599958 RURANGWA HOUSE
250784058996 House of Tayo
250788274107 BuynSell Rwanda

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