Information about +250786534143

Trace Owner details of +250786534143


+250786534143 is business number, listed for UZURI K&Y experience store (Nyarugenge). UZURI K&Y experience store (Nyarugenge) is a Shoe store in Rwanda. The contact address of +250786534143 is city mall, KN 4 Ave, Kigali, Rwanda. UZURI K&Y experience store (Nyarugenge) business has a rating of 5 out of 5.

Business Name UZURI K&Y experience store (Nyarugenge)
Business Address city mall, KN 4 Ave, Kigali, Rwanda
Business Rating 5
Business Category Shoe store

Browse Other Numbers:

Cell Number Business Name
250783195501 Batsinda Luckirice
250784979915 UBWIZA HARDWARE
250788599958 RURANGWA HOUSE
250784058996 House of Tayo
250788274107 BuynSell Rwanda
Cell Number Business Name
250788305608 Unix Company ltd
250785413091 Jibu Kabuye(Chrifon Ltd)
250788833323 Ijabo
250788645543 Moshions
250787077939 Jang Bill Vision Center

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